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Improving Relationships with Others

EXACT AND SPECIFIC factors are common to all human relations, whether family or business, casual or intimate, short-term or long. When you know these components and how to use them, you can create affinity, mutual support and admiration that result…

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How to Achieve Self-Confidence

SELF-CONFIDENCE IS SOMETHING most people would like to have more of, but aren’t sure how to get. Did you ever feel more certain of yourself in the past? Would you like to raise your self-confidence? To increase self-confidence, you have…

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Personal Values & Integrity

SOMEONE WHO IS honest and outspoken will accomplish his goals far easier than someone who is dishonest and withdrawn. Living up to your own ideals is a sure road to success. But how does one live up to them? Learn…

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Knowing Who You Can Trust

YOUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS on knowing who you can rely on. But how can you tell who your real friends are? How can you determine if a person will help make a joint venture successful? Is there a way to predict…

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Overcoming Ups & Downs in Life Course

WHEN YOU SUDDENLY start making mistakes, it is caused by something. When you feel happy and, for no apparent reason, suddenly start feeling down, somebody made this happen. There are specific types of personality—those who wish people well and those who are ill-intentioned. If…

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